Parama Shiva has Infinite Shakti – following are five main ones
Cit – the power of Self-revelation by which the Supreme shines by Himself. In this aspect the Supreme is known as Shiva. The creative aspect of Parama Shvia is Shiva.
Ananda – This is absolute bliss. Also called Svatantrya – absolute Will, In this aspect, the Supreme is known as Shakti.
Iccha – the Will to do this or that, to create. In this aspect, He is known as Sadashiva or Sadakhya.
Jnana – the power of knowing. In this aspect known as Ishvara.
Kriya – the power of assuming any and every form (known as Sadvidya or Shuddha Vidya)
Means to rise from Limited Being to Universal Being
Element | Energy | Element | Means |
Cit | Consciousness | Shiva | ——– |
Ananda | Bliss | Shakti | Anu Upaya |
Ichha | Will | Sada Shiva | Shambo Upaya |
Jnana | Knowledge | Ihsvara | Shakto Upaya |
Kriya | Action | Shuddha Vidya | Anvo Upaya |