Week 9 – Just Be
ॐ नम: शिवाय Sadhana for this week is very simple but profound. Just Be Please take out 15 min daily to sit and do nothing. You can sit comfortably on a chair or on a couch. Alone or with Read more…
ॐ नम: शिवाय Sadhana for this week is very simple but profound. Just Be Please take out 15 min daily to sit and do nothing. You can sit comfortably on a chair or on a couch. Alone or with Read more…
ॐ नम: शिवाय Sadhana for this week “The Witness” All meditation techniques have the same goal, which is to make us more aware of being aware itself. A few essential things are necessary in every technique: a relaxed state and no fighting with Read more…
ॐ नम: शिवाय Sadhana for this week “ I AM” We are now going to get more and more subtle. Find the place within you that has never ever changed, that’s been the same for many lives, that feeling that has been Read more…
ॐ नम: शिवाय Sadhana for this week Finish what you start Spiritual Unfoldment does not take time. It takes a tremendous will. That will has to be cultivated, just as you would cultivate a garden. It has to be cultivated.You need a tremendous, indomitable will to make Read more…
ॐ नम: शिवाय Sadhana for this week Don’t take your thoughts seriously . 1.Close your eyes and feel the thought. Mind is just a continuous flow of thoughts , a continuum, a flux; a river of thoughts is flowing. Feel these thoughts, feel their presence. And the more we feel, Read more…
ॐ नम: शिवाय Sadhana for this week Know the difference between love and attachment. Love sets you free and attachment binds a person. True Love is when it is clearly seen that there are no others. Be free from life’s attachments and don’t allow any more negative attachments to occur in Read more…
ॐ नम: शिवायSadhna for this week The purpose of all spiritual practices is to get rid of the burden of Samskaras collected throughout many lifetimes. Our judgements and emotions such as guilt, fear, complaining & envy, just increase this burden every day. Practice living moment to moment without all these Read more…
ॐ नम: शिवायSadhana for this week All spirituality is a journey from gross to subtle, from ignorance to full awareness. Awareness can only come when we get more and more subtle by having a calm mind, then we begin to have some spaciousness inside. In between our daily routine try to Read more…
ॐ नम: शिवायObserve your Breath For one day while you are awake just remember to observe the breath, observe how you are inhaling and exhaling. Don’t try to do anything with it, like slowing down or forced inhaling.Do not have any goals for this practice, just do it for fun.Keep Read more…