Pratyabhijna System – Upayas or Means
Following upayas are recommended to get rid of the malas so that one may become fit for receiving grace.
Sanatana dharma
Following upayas are recommended to get rid of the malas so that one may become fit for receiving grace.
Those who, owing to the sarhskaras of previous birth, are very advanced souls receive tivra or intense Saktipata. They are liberated without much sadhana or praxis. Those who are less qualified receive madhyama Saktipata. This induces them to seek a guru or spiritual preceptor, to get initiation and practice yoga. Read more…
Liberation according to this system means the re-cognition (pratyabhijna) of one’s true nature which means in other words the attainment of akrtrima-aham-vimarsa – the original, innate, pure I-consciousness. By this real I-consciousness, one attains Cidananda – the bliss of the cit or Universal Consciousness. The citta or the individual mind Read more…
The bondage of the individual is due to innate ignorance which is known as anava mala. It is the primary limiting condition which reduces the universal consciousness to an ana or a limited aspect. It comes about by the limitation of the Iccha Sakti of the Supreme. It is owing Read more…
The individual according to this system is not simply a psycho-physical being but something more. His physical aspect consists of the five mahabhutas or gross elements highly organized. This is known as his sthulasarira. He has also the psychic apparatus known as antahkarana (the inner instrument) consisting of buddhi, ahamkara Read more…
SantabrahmavadaVedanta IsvaradvayavadaKashmir Shavisim •Cit or Brahman is only Praksha (light) or Jnana (knowledge). It is Niskriya (inactive) •Cit is both Prakasa and Vimarsa (light and activity). •Activity belongs only to Maya or Avidya. Isvara assumes activity only when He is affected by Avidya or Maya. •Mahesvara has Savatantrya, activity belongs Read more…
(6) Maya and the five Kancukas – From this stage – ASuddhadhvan or the order in which the real nature of the Divine is concealed. Maya – “Ma” means measure out. That which makes experience measurable i.e., limited and severs ‘This’ from ‘I’ and ‘I’ from ‘This’ and excludes things Read more…
ॐ नम: शिवाय Advaita simply means not two. Our path is a simple, direct path of self recognition . It is said that only due to divine grace one will have a desire to walk on this path. To recognize our non-dual nature, one has to rise above body and Read more…
(1) Siva Tattva – Initial creative movement (Prathama Spanda) of Parama Siva. His Svatantrya or Absolute Will feels like letting go the Universe contained in Him, the first vibration or throb of this Will is known as Siva. (2) Shakti Tattva – Energy of the Siva – In Siva tattva, Read more…
What is ultimate reality? This question has different answers given by different religions of the world. These answers include a wide spectrum of concepts such as mysterious forces of nature, a supreme ruler who must be feared and worshipped, a loving father who sent his only son to spread his Read more…