How to Meditate?

Hundreds of books and articles have been published about meditation. The Internet is full of debates, descriptions and discussions. Yet, meditation remains mostly misunderstood. There has been so much misconception about meditation that even the very experienced people develop a completely wrong understanding about it. Meditation is not something that Read more…


A colorless screen while watching a movie may assume all colors and thus appear as a person, landscape or building, but never actually becomes any of these. Likewise, I, the light of pure Knowing, vibrate within Myself and, as a result, assume all apparently limited names and forms, without ever Read more…

Anhad Naad

अनहद नाद कौन सुन रहा है साधु हितकारी छिद आकाश में हो रही है यह मधुर मीठी मीठी वाणी ना मैं सच ना ये जगत् सच सच है ये स्वयं की ध्वनि ॐ नम: शिवाय